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Function not being executed. Scroll Event Listener

So, in my HTML I've got a class called .myFeature_info, along with that I've included the following script at the end of the <body> tag.

I'm wondering why the function is not being called while I am scrolling.

Here's the code, I'd love to know the 'why', I'd love to use JS only.

    window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
    function isInViewPort (){
    var myFeature_info = document.getElementsByClassName('myFeature_info')[0];
    var getPos = myFeature_info.getBoundingClientRect();


  • You are not calling any function on scroll but defining a function! Separate the definition and call it as you scroll:

    function isInViewPort (){
    var myFeature_info = document.getElementsByClassName('myFeature_info')[0];
    var getPos = myFeature_info.getBoundingClientRect();
    window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {