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How to (is it possible to) call yield inside of closure in F#?

I am trying to write a function, which takes sequence of strings and returns the sequence of strings all prefixed by given another string with the help of Seq.iter, but can't deduce correct syntax.

//let concatElemSeq (elem : string) (s : seq<string>) : seq<string> = ( (fun it -> elem+it) s)

let concatElemSeq (elem : string) (s : seq<string>) : seq<string> = seq {
    Seq.iter (fun it -> 
        yield elem+it
    ) s

How to accomplish?


  • No, it is not possible to nest yield like that. yield has to be part of the computation expression syntax.

    To achieve what you want, use for:

    let concatElemSeq (elem : string) (s : seq<string>) : seq<string> = seq { 
        for it in s do
            yield elem+it

    Or even shorter, using -> as a shortcut for do yield:

    let concatElemSeq (elem : string) (s : seq<string>) : seq<string> = seq { 
        for it in s -> elem+it

    Alternatively, you can do this with and partially applied (+):

    let concatElemSeq elem s = ((+) elem) s

    And then eta-reduce:

    let concatElemSeq elem = ((+) elem)