I am trying to build my first package in python 3.6.3
. I've read through the docs and searched the questions, but can't seem to understand what I'm doing wrong.
My package directory structure is as follows:
| - mypkg/
| | - setup.py
| | - someModule/
| | | - __init__.py
| | | - a.py
| | | - b.py
| | | - data /
| | | |- somedata.xml
My setup script is:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
data_files = [('someModule', ['someModule/data/somedata.xml'])]
However when I run python setup.py build
my data is not being added to the build/lib/mypkg
directory. What am I doing wrong?
I solved the problem. In the end using the package_data
argument instead of the data_files
argument did it, i.e. I changed setup.py
packages = ['someModule'],
package_data = {'someModule': ['data/somedata.xml']},
Thanks to @Martijn Pieters for the tip that data_files
is for data that lives outside the package.