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Multiple anonymous function MATLAB

My goal is to compute the derivative of a function and use this result as another function. Clearly, it means :

f = @(x) (x-1)*(x-2);      %A simple function
derivative = jacobian(f,x) %MATLAB output : "2*x - 3"
df = @(x) derivative       %= @(x) 2*x - 3
df(2)                      %= "2*x -3" instead of 2*2 - 3

How can I do such a thing ? I tried syms x but it doesn't help.


  • You want matlabFunction:

    g = matlabFunction(f) converts the symbolic expression or function f to a MATLAB function with handle g.

    In your example:

    >> syms x
    >> f = @(x) (x-1)*(x-2);
    >> derivative = jacobian(f,x);
    >> df = matlabFunction(derivative)
    df =
      function_handle with value:
    >> df(2)
    ans =