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Cython lapack does not overwrite parameters

I am learning Cython lapack interface. I tried to convert a small example using lapack in C to one in Cython with the cython_lapack package.

Here is the C code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <lapacke.h>

int main()
  int i, j;
  float norm;
  float A[] = {1.44, -7.84, -4.39, 4.53, 
               -9.96, -0.28, -3.24,  3.83,
               -7.55, 3.24, 6.27, -6.64,
               8.34, 8.09, 5.28, 2.06,
               7.08, 2.52, 0.74, -2.47,
               -5.45, -5.70, -1.19, 4.70};
  float B[] = {8.58, 9.35,
               8.26, -4.43,
               8.48, -0.70,
               -5.28, -0.26,
               5.72, -7.36,
               8.93, -2.52};
  lapack_int m = 6, n = 4, nrhs = 2;
  int info;

  info = LAPACKE_sgels(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, 'N', m, n, nrhs, A, n, B, nrhs);
  printf("Least squares solution:\n");
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j) printf(" %6.2f", B[nrhs * i + j]);
  printf("Residual sum of squares for the solution:\n");
  for (i = 0; i < nrhs; ++i) {
    norm = 0.0;
    for (j = n; j < m; ++j) norm += B[nrhs * j + i] * B[nrhs * j + i];
  printf(" %6.2f", norm);
 return 0;

I translated it into Cython, which is shown below:

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
from scipy.linalg.cython_lapack cimport dgels

a = np.array([1.44, -9.96, -7.55, 8.34, 7.08, -5.45,
              7.84, -0.28, 3.24, 8.09, 2.52, -5.70,
              -4.39, -3.24, 6.27, 5.28, 0.74, -1.19,
              4.53, 3.83, -6.64, 2.06, -2.47, 4.70], dtype=np.float64)
b = np.array([8.58, 8.26, 8.48, -5.28, 5.72, 8.93,
              9.35, -4.43, -.70, -0.26, -7.36, -2.52], dtype=np.float64)

cdef int m = 6, n = 4, nrhs = 2, lda = 6, ldb = 6, lwork = -1, info = 1
cdef double work = 0.0

cdef double* A = <double*>(cnp.PyArray_DATA(a))
cdef double* B = <double*>(cnp.PyArray_DATA(b))

dgels('N', &m, &n, &nrhs, A, &lda, B, &ldb, &work, &lwork, &info)
print "A:"
for j in range(4):
    for i in range(6):
        print "%6.2f " % A[6*j+i],
    print ""
print "B:"
for j in range(2):
    for i in range(6):
        print "%6.2f " % B[6*j+i],
    print ""

I was expecting A and B to be modified, as is the behavior in the C code. However, it is weird that they do not change at all. I wonder what I should be to get the correct result.


  • From the Netlib documentation

    If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA.

    You haven't asked for a calculation - you've just asked how big you should make the workspace array. You can either

    1. follow this up with a second call with an appropriately sized workspace array, or
    2. just allocate a workspace array according to the documentation (optimally max( 1, MN + max( MN, NRHS )*NB )) and pass the size of that as LWORK.