Hi I am new to reactive swift. In my new project I am using ReactiveSwift. I am observing value by using SafeSignal variable. I want to interrupt the signal before getting the value. Please help me out in this issue.
In general, when you observe
on a Signal
or start
a SignalProducer
, you will get a Disposable
This can be used to end the observation:
let property = MutableProperty<Int>(0)
let signalDisposable = property.signal.observeValues {
print("Signal: \($0)")
let producerDisposable = property.producer.startWithValues {
print("Producer: \($0)")
property.value = 1 // Signal and Producer receive value 1
signalDisposable?.dispose() // End signal observation
property.value = 2 // Only producer receives value 2
producerDisposable.dispose() // End producer observation
property.value = 3 // No one receives value 3
If you're creating your own SignalProducer
for some (longer) work, you'll have to keep disposal in mind in order to stop ongoing work:
let performNetworkCall = SignalProducer<Data, Error> { (observer, disposable) in
let url = URL(string: "https://www.download.com")!
let downloadTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { (data, _, error) in
// Handle completion
disposable.observeEnded {
// Cancel the download on disposal!
Otherwise, your observer will be detached, but the work started by the observer will still resume