I'm trying to replace NaN values from the air_store_id
column of the df
DataFrame using a particular criteria that involves searching into another DataFrame:
data = { 'air_store_id': [ 'air_a1', np.nan, 'air_a3', np.nan, 'air_a5' ],
'hpg_store_id': [ 'hpg_a1', 'hpg_a2', np.nan, 'hpg_a4', np.nan ],
'Test': [ 'Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Epsilon' ]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
When a NaN is found in df.air_store_id
I would like to use the value from df.hpg_store_id
(when there is one) to compare it to the same column in another DataFrame called id_table_df
, and retrieve its air_store_id
Here is what id_table_df
looks like:
ids_data = { 'air_store_id': [ 'air_a1', 'air_a4', 'air_a3', 'air_a2' ],
'hpg_store_id': [ 'hpg_a1', 'hpg_a4', 'hpg_a3', 'hpg_a2' ] }
id_table_df = pd.DataFrame(ids_data)
Simply put, for every NaN in df.air_store_id
replace it for the appropriate equivalent in id_table_df.air_store_id
by comparing df.hpg_store_id
with id_table_df.hpg_store_id
In this scenario, id_table_df
ends up working as a lookup table. The resulting DataFrame would look like this:
I've tried to merge them with the following instruction, but an error is thrown:
df.loc[df.air_store_id.isnull(), 'air_store_id'] = df.merge(id_table_df, on='hpg_store_id', how='left')['air_store_id']
Error message:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\base.py in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
2441 try:
-> 2442 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
2443 except KeyError:
KeyError: 'air_store_id'
Question 1: how can I accomplish?
Question 2: is there a way to do this at simultaneously for both columns (air_store_id
and hpg_store_id
)? If it were possible I wouldn't have to run the merge separately for each column.
Using pd.Series.map
after using set_index
on id_table_df
Test air_store_id hpg_store_id
0 Alpha air_a1 hpg_a1
1 Beta air_a2 hpg_a2
2 Gamma air_a3 NaN
3 Delta air_a4 hpg_a4
4 Epsilon air_a5 NaN
v = id_table_df.values
a2h = dict(v)
h2a = dict(v[:, ::-1])
], axis=1, keys=['air_store_id', 'hpg_store_id'])
Test air_store_id hpg_store_id
0 Alpha air_a1 hpg_a1
1 Beta air_a2 hpg_a2
2 Gamma air_a3 hpg_a3
3 Delta air_a4 hpg_a4
4 Epsilon air_a5 NaN
Creative Solution
requires Python 3
v = id_table_df.values
a2h = dict(v)
h2a = dict(v[:, ::-1])
col = id_table_df.columns
swch = dict(zip(col, col[::-1]))
df.fillna(df.applymap({**a2h, **h2a}.get).rename(columns=swch))
Test air_store_id hpg_store_id
0 Alpha air_a1 hpg_a1
1 Beta air_a2 hpg_a2
2 Gamma air_a3 hpg_a3
3 Delta air_a4 hpg_a4
4 Epsilon air_a5 None