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Brain tree recurring subscription plan with multiple currencies

i am using braintree payments with recurring subscription

i wanted add the subscription with multiple foreign currencies (USD,CAD,INR,GBP,..)

I am having the in app purchases also, while creating the plan in google/IOS, I am adding corresponding currency type and price for each country

can i do the same for brain tree also creating a one month plan -> setting the default currency type and price -> and configure to multiple currencies (for single plan) ..


  • Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.

    Subscriptions can only be created in the currency belonging to the Plan from which they were created. If you create a subscription with a merchant account that is a different currency, you will receive a validation error.

    If you want to create subscriptions in different currencies, you'll need to make sure you create a plan for each currency and specify the corresponding merchant account ID when creating the subscription.