is there any wrong in the path? if there is .. so how to write valid image path in mysql database ? note that i am using php..The image above contains the colume of image which contains the paths of my images like C:/wamp/www/phpT/images/products/man.png
first of all I store the image by the complete path of it like this :
$insertSql="INSERT INTO products (title,price,list_price,brand,categories,image,description,sizes)
VALUES ('$title','$price','$list_price','$brand','$category','$dbPath','$description','$sizes')";
Then I get it from the data base but it does not appear
Those are local file paths, not URLs. The file paths aren't going to work as image sources in a web page.
You'll need to replace C:/wamp/www/
with something that points at your web server instead of your file system, like http://localhost/
for your local dev environment.
The exact URL depends on your web server configuration, whether you're using a framework or otherwise rewriting URLs, and other various info we don't have about your specific installation.
If you store just the filename, and fill in the rest of the URL and path in your application, it will give you more flexibility with those resources in the future. As it is, you won't be able to change the directory structure at all without breaking your images again.