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Spark Scala Array of String lines to pairRDD

How to convert this kind of data

"Row-Key-001, K1, 10, A2, 20, K3, 30, B4, 42, K5, 19, C20, 20"
"Row-Key-002, X1, 20, Y6, 10, Z15, 35, X16, 42"
"Row-Key-003, L4, 30, M10, 5, N12, 38, O14, 41, P13, 8"

to a spark RDD using Scala so we can get:

Row-Key-001, K1
Row-Key-001, A2
Row-Key-001, K3
Row-Key-001, B4
Row-Key-001, K5
Row-Key-001, C20
Row-Key-002, X1
Row-Key-002, Y6
Row-Key-002, Z15
Row-Key-002, X16
Row-Key-003, L4
Row-Key-003, M10
Row-Key-003, N12
Row-Key-003, O14
Row-Key-003, P13

I think we can split the input to get an array of lines and again split each line on ',' and then add to a Map like the 1st element of each row as the key and every alternate element as value.

But need help to implement in Scala.


  • If you have a text file with following data

    Row-Key-001, K1, 10, A2, 20, K3, 30, B4, 42, K5, 19, C20, 20
    Row-Key-002, X1, 20, Y6, 10, Z15, 35, X16, 42
    Row-Key-003, L4, 30, M10, 5, N12, 38, O14, 41, P13, 8

    then you can read it using sparkContext's textFile api as

    val rdd = sc.textFile("path to the text file")

    which gives you rdd data, then you can parse it as following using map and flatMap", "))
      .flatMap(x =>  x.tail.grouped(2).map(y => (x.head, y.head)))

    which should give you result as


    I hope the answer is helpful