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"Grouping by" the same columns over multiple files and create new columns in each file

I have around 20-30 dbf files, which I imported in R. I cannot combine them together in one data frame/table because then the total file size comes around 2 GB. I want to create new columns in each file "avg_spends" grouping by age and ctg multiple columns in each of them.

When i combined the files into one data table and then executed the following command using dplyr.

file_combo <- dbf_file %>% group_by(ctg, age) %>% mutate(avg_spends = 

This is just the first step. Similarly I have to make new columns based on the previous columns available/created. How do i make this work by splitting the files by the 1st col- files1, files,2 etc.

I also need an output for each file separately

This is an example of the data that I have

files ||   age || ctg || total_spend
file1 ||    45 ||   1 ||    1026

file1 ||    26 ||   2 ||    1574

file1 ||    45 ||   1 ||    64

file1 ||    32 ||   1 ||    1610

file2 ||    41 ||   1 ||    884

file2 ||    22 ||   1 ||    530

file2 ||    41 ||   2 ||    451

file2 ||    22 ||   1 ||    520

file3 ||    21 ||   2 ||    727

file3 ||    34 ||   1 ||    562

file3 ||    43 ||   2 ||    452

file3 ||    23 ||   1 ||    851


  • You can achieve this by storing all of your files in a list and performing the action on the entire list with lapply(), like so:

    file1 <- data.frame(age = c(45,26,45,32), ctg = c(1,2,1,1), total_spend = c(1026, 1574, 64, 1610))
    file2 <- data.frame(age = c(41,22,41,22), ctg = c(1,1,2,1), total_spend = c(884, 530, 451, 520))
    file3 <- data.frame(age = c(21,34,43,23), ctg = c(2,1,2,1), total_spend = c(727, 562, 452, 851))
    files <- list(file1, file2, file3)
    result <- lapply(files, function(x) x %>% group_by(ctg, age) %>% mutate(avg_spends = mean(total_spend)))