I know what OWASP is by now but I find it too vague how perform the task of checking if an app (made of React and Node) is OWASP proof. I read about the top 10 security risks and I would like to know if there is any step-by-step guide or some software that would help me catching any weaknesses. Any reference to a developer story where this check is done would be appreciated.
There's tools like vulnerability scanners or package security scanners etc which will do some sort of automation on this. But in general, there isn't and there can't be any program which can tell you whether a given program has any or all of the top 10 security risks. Or, any general property you might want.
So automatic tools are a good idea, and there's a bunch of hosted and easy to use ones. But being aware of the code and what it does, as an engineer, is the most important thing.