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Simplify for loop: read multiple files and remove specific data

I have some 38 csv files in a folder of with rainfall data for multiple years as follows:




Precp_1983.csv . . .


A leap year file looks like this:

Precp_1980 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(366*11299,min = 0, max = 4), ncol = 366, nrow = 11299)) 
names(Precp_1980) <- c(rep(paste0("d_",1:366)))
Precp_1980$ID1 <- seq(1:11299)
Precp_1980$ID2 <- seq(0.0,1.1, length.out = 11299)
Precp_1980$ID3 <- seq(1,10, length.out = 11299)
Precp_1980$ID4 <- seq(100,200, length.out = 11299)
Precp_1980$year<- 1980 

One csv file has 11299 locations (11299 rows). The first four columns have some location specific information (ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4), fifth column has year and column sixth till 371 column has daily rainfall data (i.e. 1 to 366 days).

A non-leap year file is exactly the same except it has one less column because of only 365 days:

Precp_1981 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(365*11299,min = 0, max = 4), ncol = 365, nrow = 11299))
names(Precp_1981) <- c(rep(paste0("d_",1:365)))
Precp_1981$ID1 <- seq(1:11299)
Precp_1981$ID2 <- seq(0.0,1.1, length.out = 11299)
Precp_1981$ID3 <- seq(1,10, length.out = 11299)
Precp_1981$ID4 <- seq(100,200, length.out = 11299)
Precp_1981$year<- 1981 

My objective:

1) From all leap-year files, remove the doy 60 of the year so that all files have 365 days of the year.

2) Convert individual files from wide to long format

3) Combine all files into a single file

What I did was:


        year.list <- list() # create a list to save the outputs 
        yr.list <- c(1980:2017)
        leap.yr <- c(1980,1984,1988,1992,1996,2000,2004,2008,2012,2016) # vector of leap years 

        for(y in seq_along(yr.list)){
            yr <- yr.list[y]

            if(yr %in% leap.yr){ # if a year is a leap year

              dat <- fread("Precp_",yr,".csv"))
              dat.up <- dat %>% dplyr::select(-d_60) # this removes the day 60 from the leap year 
              dat.up.m <- melt(dat.up, id.vars = c("ID1","ID2","ID3","ID4","year"), = "rain", = "day") # converts the data into long format
              dat.up.m <- dat.up.m %>% mutate(day = gsub("d_", "", day)) %>% # converts the "day_1" to numeric day of year
                                       mutate(day = as.numeric(day)) %>%
                                       mutate(day = ifelse(day >= 61, day - 1, day)) # this converts all days which were greater than 60 to previous day so that I have 365 days of year

            year.list[[y]]  <- dat.up.m
            } else { # if a year is not a leap year 
              dat <- fread("Precp_",yr,".csv"))
              dat.up.m <- melt(dat.up, id.vars = c("ID1","ID2","ID3","ID4","year"), = "rain", = "day") # converts the data into long format
              dat.up.m <- dat.up.m %>% mutate(day = gsub("d_", "", day)) %>% # converts the "day_1" to numeric day of year
                                        mutate(day = as.numeric(day)) %>%

              year.list[[y]]  <- dat.up.m


          stack.rain <-  rbindlist(year.list)

I am looking for a shorter (maybe a faster?) solution. The script is too long


  • Don't perform any complex data manipulations within loop.
    In loop: load and melt all data (you won't be loosing much memory as you're removing only ~1/365 of the data).
    Then outside the loop: using data.table object filter (remove day 60) and modify your data ("day" column).

    # Arguments
    yearAll <- 1980:2017
    yearLp  <- seq(1980, 2016, 4)
    # Libraries
    # Load data
    # It's possible to parallelize loop using %dopar%
    result <- foreach(i = yearAll, .combine = rbind) %do% {
        melt(fread(paste0("Precp_", i, ".csv")), 
             c("ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID4", "year"))
    # Modify data
    result <- result[!(year %in% yearLp & variable == "d_60")]
    result[, day := as.numeric(sub("d_", "", variable))]
    result[year %in% yearLp & day >= 61, day := day - 1]