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Changing Values from Wide to Long: 1) Group_By, 2) Spread/Dcast

I've got a list of names of phone numbers, which I want to group by name, and bring them from a long format to a wide one, with the phone number filling across the columns

Name        Phone_Number
John Doe     0123456   
John Doe     0123457    
John Doe     0123458    
Jim Doe      0123459
Jim Doe      0123450    
Jane Doe     0123451
Jill Doe     0123457

Name        Phone_Number1   Phone_Number2     Phone_Number3
John Doe     0123456        0123457           0123458
Jim Doe      0123459        0123450           NA
Jane Doe     0123451        NA                NA    
Jill Doe     NA             NA                NA

df <- data.frame(Name = c("John Doe", "John Doe", "John Doe", "Jim Doe", "Jim Doe", "Jane Doe", "Jill Doe" ), 
             Phone_Number = c("0123456", "0123457","0123458", "0123459", "0123450","0123451", NA))

df1 <- data.frame(Name = c("John Doe","Jim Doe", "Jane Doe", "Jill Doe" ), 
              Phone_Number1 = c("0123456", "0123459", "0123451", NA),
              Phone_Number2 = c("0123457", "0123450", NA, NA),
              Phone_Number3 = c("0123458", NA, NA, NA))

I've tried a range of permutations, but what I'm doing wrong just isn't clicking. I'm guessing it's to do with how to specify they key/value pairs properly. The closest I've got is the with the code below:


  df %>%
   group_by(Name) %>%
   mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
   spread(Name, Phone_Number) %>%


  dcast(Name + Phone_Number  ~ Phone_Number, value.var = "Phone_Number")


  • You don't want to add a row number (index for the whole data) but instead add the group index with the helper function n(), which represents the number of observations in each group in a grouped_df. Then the spreading should go smoothly...

    df %>% group_by(Name) %>%
      mutate(group_index = 1:n() %>% paste0("phone_", .)) %>%
      spread(group_index, Phone_Number)
    # A tibble: 4 x 4
    # Groups:   Name [4]
     Name phone_1 phone_2 phone_3
     <fctr>  <fctr>  <fctr>  <fctr>
    1 Jane Doe 0123451    <NA>    <NA>
    2 Jill Doe    <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
    3  Jim Doe 0123459 0123450    <NA>
    4 John Doe 0123456 0123457 0123458