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When running yarn, yarn.lock file is generated with private token from bash

I'm using Gem Fury for some of our private packages. I set the yarn registry to use their proxy for public and our private node modules:

yarn config set registry "$GEMFURY_TOKEN/username"

GEMFURY_TOKEN is set in .bash. yarn config get registry produces:$(GEMFURY_TOKEN)/username

When we run yarn, the yarn.lock file will generate this:

[email protected]:
  version "0.1.0"
  resolved "<GEMFURY TOKEN>"
    ember-cli-babel "^5.1.6"

[email protected]:
  version "0.1.4"
  resolved "<GEMFURY TOKEN>"
    ember-cli-babel "^5.1.6"
    ember-inflector "^1.9.6"

I don't want private tokens in the git repository. Is there a way I can exclude the token from being added to the yarn.lock file on generation?


  • Try to set up npm as described in Gem Fury documentation. The crucial parts are setting always-auth to true and using npm login

    If this doesn't help then you can use Git pre-commit hooks that will remove credentials from yarn.lock when changes are commited to Git repository.