Consider following records in a dns server:
;; ANSWER SECTION: 3600 IN TXT "line1" 3600 IN TXT "line2"
Is it possible to delete 1 of the records and leave the other one?
When performing the delete with:
name = ''
datatype = dns.rdatatype.from_text("TXT")
rdata = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns_datatype, "line1")
update.present(name, rdata)
update.delete(name, rdata)
I get a NXRRSET (8) response.
When deleting with:
name = ''
datatype = dns.rdatatype.from_text("TXT")
update.present(name, datatype)
update.delete(name, datatype)
then both TXT records are deleted (as expected).
My example is for TXT records but I have the same issue for other datatypes like A and PTR. Removing 1 of multiple records for the same name and type doesn't seem to work.
Any suggestions? Or is this not possible?
When using the nsupdate cli tool it seems possible. When I send following commands, only 1 of the 2 entries are removed:
$ nsupdate -v -k
nupdate delete TXT line1
Since it's working for dns update, I'll see to make an issue on the dnspython github page
After testing more with nsupdate the solution became clear. When using the present prereq, I just had to add them all so the preq was satisfied. The following code uses present and only deletesthe "line1" txt record:
name = ''
datatype = dns.rdatatype.from_text("TXT")
rdata = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns_datatype, "line1")
rdata2 = dns.rdata.from_text(dns.rdataclass.IN, dns_datatype, "line2")
update.present(name, rdata)
update.present(name, rdata2)
update.delete(name, rdata)