I am a flex developer, and most of the time I am dealing with fonts in points, like 12,14, 23 point etc.
Now the client requirement has came, which asks to take the fonts sizes in milimeter(mm).
I found this formula for mm calculation, but I need to find out the screen DPI,
$mm = ($pixels * $25.4) / dpi
For DPI, I used flash.system.Capabilities.screenDPI, but I guess this is not the perfect way to find the screen DPI, as I have read some blogs mentioning that this always gives 72 as a result.
I found this formula for font coneversion, (point to mm)
1 PostScript point = 0.352777778 millimeters
But this is for postscript fonts, and i m bit confused, as I'm using swf files for fonts, (in flex3).
Can someone here guide me, how to deal with this sort of situation, and also I have take my design stage size in mm(like 1000mm X 1000mm), so in this case i'll use ratio to reduce the screen size
This is going to be the screen size in 800mm X 200mm, so here every mesurement has to be in mm, so please explain how to tackle this situation.
Point is usually 1/72 of an inch. As 1 inch equals 25.4 millimeters, you can safely convert point to mm using following formula
var nFontSizeInMM:Number = (nFontSizeInPoint / 72) * 25.4;
You don't need to worry about DPI as its relevant only if you are dealing with font size in pixels.
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