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How to update a new version of Zend framework in the Zend studio

I'm new to the Zend Studio and Zend framework. I'm trying to build a Zend framework project in Zend Studio. But the there is only one framework version could be selected, which I guess is the default one. If I want to add a new framework version and create a new Zend framework project with new one, how should do?


P.S. The version of Zend Studio I used is 7.2.1 and the Zend Framework I want to add is version 1.11.3


  • What m0sc said.

    Another option would be to ignore the library zend studio uses; and just include it yourself everytime in the index.php:

    set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
        realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library'),

    I prefer to do it this way, because it's what I have to do in production anyway.