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How to send file according to file ID on Telegram

How can I send (not forward) file existing on Telegram to user according to file ID?

I know all files uploaded on Telegram have unique ID. How can I extract that ID and what's the function or method to send that file by extracted ID? (I use Python Telepot library)

import telepot
from telepot.loop import MessageLoop
def on_chat_message(msg):
content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg,'chat')
if content_type == 'text':
    user_msg_text = msg['text']
    if user_msg_text == '/start':
        bot.sendDocument(chat_id=chat_id, )
TOKEN = "479761462:AAE8yqX2RGCbynHJgShIdJzCZWYF9SSBUkU"
bot = telepot.Bot(TOKEN)
MessageLoop(bot, {'chat': on_chat_message,
                  'callback_query': on_callback_query}).run_as_thread()
print('Listening ...')

what I should enter on second argument of sendDocument() method?


  • import telepot
    from telepot.loop import MessageLoop
    def on_chat_message(msg):
       content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg,'chat')
         if content_type == 'document':
            file_id = msg['document']['file_id']
    TOKEN = "479761462:AAE8yqX2RGCbynHJgShIdJzCZWYF9SSBUkU"
    bot = telepot.Bot(TOKEN)
    MessageLoop(bot, {'chat': on_chat_message,
                  'callback_query': on_callback_query}).run_as_thread()
    print('Listening ...')

    You should first extract file_id from document file.when you run your bot,send a document to bot,you can print it and copy it,and past it to this command: bot.sendDocument(chat_id=chat_id,file_id) You should place the phrase you copied instead of file_id.