I have a function which uses web3.js to create a new account and return the account address. Here is my service
export class ContractsService {
private web3: any;
public acc_no: any;
public createAccount(): any {
this.web3.personal.newAccount('abc123', function (error, result) {
console.log("in funct");
if (!error) {
this.acc_no = result;
} else {
this.acc_no = 0;
I want to call this function createAccount
and once that function has done creating a new account I want my component to proceed the execution. Here is my component;s function calling this createAccount function.
registerUser() {
if (this.signupData.username !== '' && this.signupData.password !== '' && this.signupData.firstname !== ''
&& this.signupData.lastname !== '') {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
I have tried using timeout but no luck, I am getting undefined for it. Any thought?
I used promise in following way
public createAccount(): Promise<any> {
this.web3.personal.newAccount('abc123', (error, result) => {
console.log("in funct");
if (!error) {
this.acc_no = result;
} else {
this.acc_no = 0;
.then(() => {
return this.acc_no;
Try that
public createAccount(): Promise <number>
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.web3.personal.newAccount('abc123', (error, result) => {
console.log("in funct");
if (!error) {
this.acc_no = result;
} else {
this.acc_no = 0;
//OR reject();
this.contractService.createAccount().then(acc_no =>