Is there a way to get service path/route from the service wrapper?
Something like this:
let myService = app.service('users'); === 'users'; // true
I am trying to create new services dynamically based on existing services, like so:
let services = [service1, service2, service3];
app.use(`somePrefix-${}`, {get: get, find:find /*etc*/});
And I need the path of the service to register for the new path.
There a two ways to do this. The first, you already answere yourself: Use the setup method and set this.path = path
The other would be to add a service mixin which will be called whenever a service is registered.
app.mixins.push((service, path) => {
// Only do this for non-prefixed services
if(path.indexOf('somePrefix') === -1) {
services.forEach(service => {
app.use(`somePrefix-${path}`, {get: get, find:find /*etc*/});