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How can I rotate a 3d array (nxnxn) by x degrees around x, y, and z axes?

I have a 3d array created with numpy, and I was wondering how I can rotate it by a custom angle, not just the rot90 function that numpy has. Can anyone help?

The 3d matrix represents an image (such as a cube, or some other shape) ie

1 1 1
1   1
1 1 1

1   1

1   1

1 1 1
1   1
1 1 1

EDIT: Moved solution to answer


  • After some trial and error I came up with some code for my purposes (0 means empty in the array, another number will mean a filled voxel.

    def rotate(self, deg_angle, axis):
            d = len(self.matrix)
            h = len(self.matrix[0])
            w = len(self.matrix[0][0])
            min_new_x = 0
            max_new_x = 0
            min_new_y = 0
            max_new_y = 0
            min_new_z = 0
            max_new_z = 0
            new_coords = []
            angle = radians(deg_angle)
            for z in range(d):
                for y in range(h):
                    for x in range(w):
                        new_x = None
                        new_y = None
                        new_z = None
                        if axis == "x":
                            new_x = int(round(x))
                            new_y = int(round(y*cos(angle) - z*sin(angle)))
                            new_z = int(round(y*sin(angle) + z*cos(angle)))
                        elif axis == "y":
                            new_x = int(round(z*sin(angle) + x*cos(angle)))
                            new_y = int(round(y))
                            new_z = int(round(z*cos(angle) - x*sin(angle)))
                        elif axis == "z":
                            new_x = int(round(x*cos(angle) - y*sin(angle)))
                            new_y = int(round(x*sin(angle) + y*cos(angle)))
                            new_z = int(round(z))
                        val = self.matrix.item((z, y, x))
                        new_coords.append((val, new_x, new_y, new_z))
                        if new_x < min_new_x: min_new_x = new_x
                        if new_x > max_new_x: max_new_x = new_x
                        if new_y < min_new_y: min_new_y = new_y
                        if new_y > max_new_y: max_new_y = new_y
                        if new_z < min_new_z: min_new_z = new_z
                        if new_z > max_new_z: max_new_z = new_z
            new_x_offset = abs(min_new_x)
            new_y_offset = abs(min_new_y)
            new_z_offset = abs(min_new_z)
            new_width = abs(min_new_x - max_new_x)
            new_height = abs(min_new_y - max_new_y)
            new_depth = abs(min_new_z - max_new_z)
            rotated = np.empty((new_depth + 1, new_height + 1, new_width + 1))
            for coord in new_coords:
                val = coord[0]
                x = coord[1]
                y = coord[2]
                z = coord[3]
                if rotated[new_z_offset + z][new_y_offset + y][new_x_offset + x] == 0:
                    rotated[new_z_offset + z][new_y_offset + y][new_x_offset + x] = val
            self.matrix = rotated

    The way I use the above code is:

    cube = Rect_Prism(20, 20, 20) # creates a 3d array similar to above example, just bigger
    cube.rotate(20, "x")
    cube.rotate(60, "y")

    Rect_Prism creates a MxNxD matrix, but in this case NxNxN.

    And result when printing:

                                # # # # # # # # # # # #          
                          # # #     #         # #       #        
                      # #           #   # # #           #        
                  # #               # #                 #        
            # # #               # # # #                   #      
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    # # # # # # # # # # #             #                   #      
    #                   #               #                   #    
      #                 #               #                   #    
      #                 #               #                   #    
      #                 #                 #                   #  
        #                 #               #                   #  
        #                 #               #                   #  
        #                 #                 #                 #  
          #                 #               #                 #  
          #                 #               # #               # #
          #                   #               #                 #
          #                   #               # # # # # # # # # #
          #                   #           # #                 #  
            #                   #   # # #               # # #    
            #                   # # #             # # #          
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              #       # #         #     # # #                    
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              # # # # # # # # # # # #