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How to bind one key to multiple commands in VSCode

I'm trying to make the key Ctrl+UpArrow execute both commands cursorUp and scrollLineUp.

I was hoping that this would work, but it doesn't:

  "key": "ctrl+up",
   "command": ["cursorUp", "scrollLineUp"], // This doesn't work
   "when": "editorTextFocus"

How do I do that in VSCode?


  • This is currently not possible, but the corresponding feature request is tracked here. However you should take a look to the macros extension. It enables you to chain different commands to a single custom command. This custom command then can be bound to a hotkey. In your case you could add this to your settings.json:

    "macros": {
        "myCustomCommand": [

    And then add your custom hotkey to the keybindings.json:

      "key": "ctrl+up",
      "command": "macros.myCustomCommand"