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How to add middleware to Owin without IAppBuilder

I'm currently building a library that contains several OWIN-middlewares. These middlewares should be executed in a certain order. In one of the first releases of OWIN, there was the IAppBuilder interface. However the IAppBuilder is not part of OWIN anymore, but part of Microsoft.Owin. I don't want to force my user(s) to have a dependency on Microsoft.Owin.

What is the preferred way of adding middlewares to the OWIN-pipeline without using Microsoft.Owin?


  • It took some time, but I think I figured it out.

    First the definitions as specified by Owin:

    public delegate Task AppFunc(IDictionary<string, object> environment);
    public delegate AppFunc MidFunc(AppFunc next);
    public delegate MidFunc MidFactory(IDictionary<string, object> startupProperties);
    public delegate void BuildFunc(MidFactory midFactory);

    I use delegate here to avoid the generics madness.

    To go from IAppBuilder to BuildFunc:

    public static BuildFunc UseOwin(this IAppBuilder builder)
        return middleware => builder.Use(middleware(builder.Properties));

    In order to build a pipeline using BuildFunc, you can create an extension on BuildFunc:

    public static BuildFunc UseMyFramework(this BuildFunc buildFunc)
        buildFunc(startupProperties => BuildPipeline(startupProperties));
        return buildFunc;

    It is a good practice to return the BuildFunc for chaining.

    Building the pipeline is nothing more than linking the MidFuncs together and optionally end with the actual AppFunc:

    public static MidFunc BuildPipeline(IDictionary<string, object> startupProperties)
        return next => LogMiddleware(AuthenticateMiddleware(MyApplication));
        // Or this if you don't supply your own AppFunc
        return next => LogMiddleware(AuthenticateMiddleware(next));
    public static AppFunc LogMiddleware(AppFunc next)
        AppFunc middleware = async environment =>
            // Log request
            await next(environment);
        return middleware;
    public static AppFunc AuthenticateMiddleware(AppFunc next)
        AppFunc middleware = async environment =>
            // authenticate request
            await next(environment);
        return middleware;
    public static async Task MyApplication(IDictionary<string, object> environment)
        await Task.CompletedTask;

    You still need to connect the Owin implementation to your framework. I use Microsoft.Owin for this:
