I have a problem (maybe it is not that difficult but I cannot figure it out:
I have a list (l) of 25 and I want to divide the list into 5 groups but randomly. The problem I have is if I use sample(l, 5) and this 5times it does not give me unique samples. So basically, I am looking for is to choose 5 then remove them from the list and then sample again.
I hope someone has a solution... thanks
If you want Andrew's method as a function
sample2 <- function(x, sample.size){
split(x, sample(ceiling(seq_along(x)/sample.size)))
sample2(1:20, 5)
[1] 1 15 6 3 18
[1] 11 7 5 10 14
[1] 2 12 4 13 17
[1] 19 16 20 8 9