I would like to make Ctrl and Meta Key possible when users click on link inside an EmberJS app.
Is that possible to open the transitionToRoute
into a new tab?
Good question... If you use {{link-to}} then it will just work without any "hacks"...
But if you have to do it inside your click action then you can't use transitionToRoute.
You can probably check if ctrl/meta keys are down (see JavaScript: Check if CTRL button was pressed)
Then you will have to use window.open(routeUrl).
You can then generate the routeUrl using router#generate, see How to generate url for a route in Ember.js
PS: I haven't tried any of this just guessing but it already feels dirty and smells bad. I would recommend {{link-to}} if possible.
PPS: I would love to hear how you solved it :)