I'm learning how to use the ngrx/store library in Angular 5 and I noticed an unexpected behavior... Please, help me understand if this is the default behavior for this library, because I really wasn't expecting this at all...
Well, my objective is to create a singleton store for storing application config and multiple states for all my components, so when a component updates the store, all subscribed components receives the updated store.
In one of my components I'm using the following constructor:
newItems: any
constructor (
private _store: Store<State>
) {
_store.select('operations').subscribe(state => {
this.newItems = state.newItems
So I grab the current state of my store and set "this.newItems" variable to "state.newItems". I have some inputs in my template binded with some properties of "newItems", like this:
itemProperties: any = [
name: 'Description',
key: 'desc'
name: 'Manufacturer',
key: 'manufacturer'
name: 'Model',
key: 'model'
name: 'Observation',
key: 'genObs'
<div *ngFor="let prop of itemProperties" class="gen-label-input" [ngClass]="{'filled': newItems[prop.key]}">
<input [(ngModel)]="newItems[prop.key]">
I was expecting to need to dispatch an action in my component to actually modify my store, but it seems that the two-way data binding through [(ngModel)] is doing this automatically, without the need of any actions at all! I just modify my input and my store is updated, and the updated version is automagically available through my entire application.
Is this the expected behavior of ngrx/store when I assing one store property to a component variable and combine it with [(ngModel)]?
If yes, this is really good in some cases, as I don't have to create inumerous actions to modify my store properties. But I'm worried this is some kind of error that I'm not being able to identify.
Thanks in advance!
You should create a copy of items from store when you receive them
this.newItems = state.newItems.map((item) => Object.assign({}, item))
And yes, it is expected behavior if value is array or object