Search code examples

How to index list of strings in hibernate search

How to index list of strings in Hibernate search?

i tried like this

@Field(index = Index.YES, analyze = Analyze.NO, store = Store.YES, analyzer = @Analyzer(definition = "customanalyzer_query"))
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<String> hashedTagList;

I'm getting error while committing new object.

I'm using Hibernate ogm with mongodb


  • You can index element collections by using @IndexedEmbedded. This would be the easiest way to do what you want:

    @Field(analyze = Analyze.NO, store = Store.YES)
    private Set<String> keywords = new HashSet<String>();

    Note that you have to use Set so that the type of the contained element is clearly defined.

    It's a workaround, we plan to fix the issue in a cleaner way in the upcoming Search 6.

    You can also use a @FieldBridge to denormalize the data. The remark about using Set stays valid.

    You can find the @FieldBridge we used at my previous job exactly for this purpose here: .

    By the way, you define an analyzer but you set analyze to Analyze.NO so your analyzer won't be used.