I'm using django-registration which somehow stopped working the way it should work. I'm completely lost on this and have no idea where to start looking for the error.
So what happens is, that whenever a user clicks on the activation link, he gets the activation.html template. Which should only be shown when there was an error.
But actually there is no error. The user gets activated and can log in.
Any thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated.
First of all, the subject of your post and the actual description are conflicting. The subject says django-registration always fails to activate the user, but then in your description you say the user gets activated and can log in. Which is it?
Secondly, clicking on the activation link should always send the user to activate.html. You will have a variable called account
on that page. If the activation was successful, account
will be populated with the User object, otherwise it will be False.