I'm trying to get the values within an NSDictionary
between two classes ..
I use this method in the Database.m
(NSObject class)
+(void)fetchAllUserWithReference:(NSDictionary *)dictionary {
FIRDatabaseReference *userReference = [[[FIRDatabase database] reference] child:RTDUSER];
[userReference observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot * _Nonnull snapshot) {
__block NSDictionary *dict = dictionary;
dict = snapshot.value;
} withCancelBlock:nil];
and I want to get the NSDictionary data in the Dashboard.m
(UIView Controller) class like this ..
-(void)retrieveUsers {
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
[Database fetchAllUserWithReference:dict];
NSLog(@"DICT %@",dict);
Why is my NSDictionary
of class Dashboard.m
always NULL ?? Where am I wrong?
You can use completion handler to get values back after executing block.
-(void)fetchAllUserWithReference:(NSDictionary *)param
withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSDictionary *response))block{
FIRDatabaseReference *userReference = [[[FIRDatabase database] reference] child:RTDUSER];
[userReference observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot * _Nonnull snapshot) {
NSDictionary *dict = snapshot.value;
} withCancelBlock:
-(void)retrieveUsers {
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary init];
[self fetchAllUserWithReference:dict withCompletionHandler:^(NSDictionary *response) {