I am trying to use http put in Angular. My code looks like this:
const url ='this is my url';
const headers = new Headers({'Authorization': 'this is my token'});
return this.http.put(url, {headers: headers}).toPromise().then......
But I keep getting 401 Unauthorized as request status code. I tried to copy my request from Chrome Network tab to Postman, and I noticed that the authorization header was added to the request body, not to the headers.
Is this normal?
If I add manually in Postman the authorization header as a header the request works as expected.
According to the docs https://angular.io/api/http/Http
Http.put method signature is:
put(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response>
So, your second parameter should be the data/body, not the options.
return this.http.put(url, {}, {headers: headers}).toPromise().then......