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Angular2 highcharts points not appearing

I am using angular2-highcharts chart module for my angular2 web application.

When graph < 7000 points, the line and points display as intended. However, after ~>7000 points, the graph sometimes does not render a line, but if I hover over the graph, the tooltip for the points are shown.

I tried turboThreshold, but it does not do anything.

Any suggestions?

Unrendered Line Graph with tooltip shown

--- Code ---

this.highchart_graph_expanded = {
  title: {
    text: ExpandedText
  series: _series,
  legend: {
    enabled: true
  yAxis: {
    visible: true,
  plotOptions: {
    series: {
      states: {
        hover: {
          enabled: false // hover
      animation: false
    turboThreshold: 0, // allow render more than 10000 points
  rangeSelector: {
    enabled: false,
    inputEnabled: true,
  xAxis: {
    type: 'datetime'

_series = {
  data: seriesData, // [ [x,y], [x,y] ]
  name: "title",


  • angular2-highcharts is not an official Highcharts wrapper and it's possible that it doesn't support boost module.

    You can also try the official angular wrapper: (it's not reported that this problem occurs while using it).