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Crystal reports remove variable substrings

I am trying to remove HTML style tags from my Crystal report text. I have data like the below:

<span style="font-size:small;">hello world</span><span style="font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%;">hello again world</span><p style="text-decoration:underline;">hello once again</p>

I want the result to be:

<span>hello world</span><span>hello again world</span><p>hello once again</p>

I've used:

replace({IncidentNarrative.text},ExtractString(Totext({IncidentNarrative.text}),"<span ",">"),"")
replace({IncidentNarrative.text},ExtractString(Totext({IncidentNarrative.text}),"<p ",">"),"")

But this will only remove the first instance of the span or p. It does not look for all instances of the span or p. I've tried FOR loops and extracting the sub-strings into arrays, but always run into problems.


  • The following formula looks for the term style= and removes it and everything between style= to the next occurence of >:

    StringVar output := {IncidentNarrative.text};
    While InStr(output, " style=")>0 And InStr(InStr(output, " style=")+7, output, ">")>0 Do
        output := Left(output, InStr(output, " style=")-1) &
                    Mid(output, InStr(InStr(output, " style=")+7, output, ">"))