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Rerunning the failed scenario using Maven/Cucumber/Serenity

Has anyone used maven surefire plug-in or any other mechanism for rerunning failed scenario. I am using Cucumber with Serenity and Maven. I tried below different ways in order to rerun failed scenario without any manual intervention
For example: If out of 5 test cases 2 test cases are getting error out then automatically my script should execute these 2 failed scenario before generating final serenity report
1. Maven surefire
I have added below lines in pom.xml file




Then I tried to execute below command (my scenario is annoted by @RunThis tag)

mvn -Dcucumber.options="--tags @RunThis" -Dfailsafe.rerunFailingTestsCount=2 test

After executing above command I am expecting that failed scenario should get executed again but it is not re-executing

2. Generating rerun.txt using cucumber formatter and executing it
As per another solution, I have generate rerun.txt using cucumber formatter. Scenario which are getting error out will be listed down in rerun.txt which should be then picked up by second runner class and execute those failed scenario.
I am able to generated rerun.txt successfully but second runner class is neither getting executed nor I am getting any kind of error

Runnerclass 1

            features = "src/test/resources/features",
            tags = "@RunThis",
            monochrome = true
            ,plugin = { "json:target/cucumber-report-composite.json", "pretty",
                "html:target/cucumber/","rerun:target/rerun.txt" })
    public class AcceptanceTest {   


RunnerClass 2

    @CucumberOptions(strict = true, 
      glue = { "src/test/resources/features" }, 
      features = { "@target/rerun.txt" }, 
      plugin = { "json:target/cucumber-report-composite.json", "pretty",
public class AcceptanceTest2 {


3. Using @ExtendCucumberOptions
As per one more solution we can add below dependancy on pom.xml file


Then our runner class should be like this

@ExtendedCucumberOptions(jsonReport = "target/cucumber.json",
retryCount = 3,
jsonUsageReport = "target/cucumber-usage.json",
outputFolder = "target")
        features = "src/test/resources/features",
        tags = "@RunThis",
        monochrome = true
        ,plugin = { "json:target/cucumber-report-composite.json", "pretty",
                "html:target/cucumber/","rerun:target/rerun.txt" })
public class AcceptanceTest {


Then I am executing below command
mvn -Dcucumber.options="--tags @RunThis"
again I could not see that failed scenario is getting re-executed

complete POM.xml file

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <name>Serenity project using Cucumber and WebDriver</name>



        <!-- <dependency> <groupId>net.serenity-bdd.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>serenity-maven-plugin</artifactId> 
            <version>1.5.0-rc.1</version> </dependency> -->


                    <!-- <skip>true</skip> -->
            <!-- Generate the test reports after the integration tests -->


  • I could achieve the rerun using below code.

            features = "src/test/resources/features", tags = "@Smoke1",
            monochrome = true,
            plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports", "json:target/cucumber.json","rerun:rerun.txt"})
    public class AcceptanceTest {

    I just execute below command, after adding rerun in above plug in(@CucumberOptions)

    mvn clean verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @Smoke1"

    and it automatically re-execute failed scenario. I no need to write another runner class and run it manually.

    My pom.xml is:

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <name>Serenity project using Cucumber and WebDriver</name>
                        <!-- <skip>true</skip> -->
                <!-- Generate the test reports after the integration tests -->