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ZipArchive, I need to create new file and overwrite existing

I am using php ZipArchive and I have run into a simple problem.

I need to create new file and if there is existing file with that name I need to overwrite it.

My problem is this, if I use this code

if ($zip->open($packageFileName, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) === TRUE)

it will overwrite any existing file with the same name, however if file with such a name does not exist then nothing happens, if case returns false and I fill the zip file with files inside this if case, but since if file is not on the disk above fails and no file gets created.

If I do this

if ($zip->open($packageFileName, ZipArchive::CREATE) === TRUE)

it will return true and file will be either created or updated, but I do not want to update the file, I need to overwrite the file.

So I am stuck a bit, I want file overwritten and if it does not exist I want it created, is there a way to do this in one line so I do not have to check this in multiple lines where I check if file exists and then pick either CREATE or OVERWRITE, why is there not CREATE_OVERWRITE Constant?


  • Just like the error codes in PHP the zip flags are also bitwise additive means you can combine them using OR (|) to do more...

    if ($zip->open($packageFileName, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE))

    Above will create a zip if it's not there else will overwrite. So this is how you do your CREATE_OVERWRITE.