I am currently working on a project in which I am unrolling the last warp of a reduction. I have finished the code above; however, some modifications were done by guessing and I'd like an explanation why. The code I have written is only the function kernel4
// in is input array, out is where to store result, n is number of elements from in
// T is a float (32bit)
__global__ void kernel4(T *in, T *out, unsigned int n)
which is a reduction algorithm, the rest of the code was already provided.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "timer.h"
#include "cuda_utils.h"
typedef float T;
#define N_ (8 * 1024 * 1024)
#define MAX_THREADS 256
#define MAX_BLOCKS 64
#define MIN(x,y) ((x < y) ? x : y)
#define tid threadIdx.x
#define bid blockIdx.x
#define bdim blockDim.x
#define warp_size 32
unsigned int nextPow2( unsigned int x ) {
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return ++x;
void getNumBlocksAndThreads(int whichKernel, int n, int maxBlocks, int maxThreads, int &blocks, int &threads)
if (whichKernel < 3) {
threads = (n < maxThreads) ? nextPow2(n) : maxThreads;
blocks = (n + threads - 1) / threads;
} else {
threads = (n < maxThreads*2) ? nextPow2((n + 1)/ 2) : maxThreads;
blocks = (n + (threads * 2 - 1)) / (threads * 2);
if (whichKernel == 5)
blocks = MIN(maxBlocks, blocks);
T reduce_cpu(T *data, int n) {
T sum = data[0];
T c = (T) 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
T y = data[i] - c;
T t = sum + y;
c = (t - sum) - y;
sum = t;
return sum;
__global__ void
kernel4(T *in, T *out, unsigned int n)
__shared__ volatile T d[MAX_THREADS];
unsigned int i = bid * bdim + tid;
n >>= 1;
d[tid] = (i < n) ? in[i] + in[i+n] : 0;
__syncthreads ();
for(unsigned int s = bdim >> 1; s > warp_size; s >>= 1) {
if(tid < s)
d[tid] += d[tid + s];
__syncthreads ();
if (tid < warp_size) {
if (n > 64) d[tid] += d[tid + 32];
if (n > 32) d[tid] += d[tid + 16];
d[tid] += d[tid + 8];
d[tid] += d[tid + 4];
d[tid] += d[tid + 2];
d[tid] += d[tid + 1];
if(tid == 0)
out[bid] = d[0];
int main(int argc, char** argv)
T *h_idata, h_odata, h_cpu;
T *d_idata, *d_odata;
struct stopwatch_t* timer = NULL;
long double t_kernel_4, t_cpu;
int whichKernel = 4, threads, blocks, N, i;
if(argc > 1) {
N = atoi (argv[1]);
printf("N: %d\n", N);
} else {
N = N_;
printf("N: %d\n", N);
getNumBlocksAndThreads (whichKernel, N, MAX_BLOCKS, MAX_THREADS, blocks, threads);
stopwatch_init ();
timer = stopwatch_create ();
h_idata = (T*) malloc (N * sizeof (T));
CUDA_CHECK_ERROR (cudaMalloc (&d_idata, N * sizeof (T)));
CUDA_CHECK_ERROR (cudaMalloc (&d_odata, blocks * sizeof (T)));
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
h_idata[i] = drand48() / 100000;
CUDA_CHECK_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (d_idata, h_idata, N * sizeof (T), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
dim3 gb(blocks, 1, 1);
dim3 tb(threads, 1, 1);
kernel4 <<<gb, tb>>> (d_idata, d_odata, N);
cudaThreadSynchronize ();
stopwatch_start (timer);
kernel4 <<<gb, tb>>> (d_idata, d_odata, N);
int s = blocks;
while(s > 1) {
threads = 0;
blocks = 0;
getNumBlocksAndThreads (whichKernel, s, MAX_BLOCKS, MAX_THREADS, blocks, threads);
dim3 gb(blocks, 1, 1);
dim3 tb(threads, 1, 1);
kernel4 <<<gb, tb>>> (d_odata, d_odata, s);
s = (s + threads * 2 - 1) / (threads * 2);
cudaThreadSynchronize ();
t_kernel_4 = stopwatch_stop (timer);
fprintf (stdout, "Time to execute unrolled GPU reduction kernel: %Lg secs\n", t_kernel_4);
double bw = (N * sizeof(T)) / (t_kernel_4 * 1e9); // total bits / time
fprintf (stdout, "Effective bandwidth: %.2lf GB/s\n", bw);
CUDA_CHECK_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (&h_odata, d_odata, sizeof (T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
stopwatch_start (timer);
h_cpu = reduce_cpu (h_idata, N);
t_cpu = stopwatch_stop (timer);
fprintf (stdout, "Time to execute naive CPU reduction: %Lg secs\n", t_cpu);
if(abs (h_odata - h_cpu) > 1e-5)
fprintf(stderr, "FAILURE: GPU: %f CPU: %f\n", h_odata, h_cpu);
printf("SUCCESS: GPU: %f CPU: %f\n", h_odata, h_cpu);
return 0;
My first question is: when declaring
__shared__ volatile T d[MAX_THREADS];
I would like to verify my understanding of volatile. Volatile prevents compilers from incorrectly optimizing my code and promises that load/stores are completed through the cache and not just registers (please correct me if wrong). For reduction, if partial reduction sums are still stored in registers, why is this a problem?
My second question is: when doing the actual warp reduction
if (tid < warp_size) { // Final log2(32) = 5 strides
if (n > 64) d[tid] += d[tid + 32];
if (n > 32) d[tid] += d[tid + 16];
d[tid] += d[tid + 8];
d[tid] += d[tid + 4];
d[tid] += d[tid + 2];
d[tid] += d[tid + 1];
The reduction sum will yield incorrect results without (n > 64) and (n > 32) conditions. The results I get are:
FAILURE: GPU: 41.966557 CPU: 41.946209
With 5 trials, the GPU reduction consistently yields an error of 0.0204. I am wary to think this is a floating point operation error.
To be honest as well, my teacher's assistant suggested this change to add the (n > 64) and (n > 32) conditions but did not explain why it would fix the code.
Since n in my trials are over 64, why does this conditional change the results. I am having difficulty tracing back the problem because I cannot use print functions like I would in a CPU.
Let's start with a few preface comments before we tackle your two questions:
OK, now your questions:
I would like to verify my understanding of volatile. Volatile prevents compilers from incorrectly optimizing my code and promises that load/stores are completed through the cache and not just registers (please correct me if wrong). For reduction, if partial reduction sums are still stored in registers, why is this a problem?
Regarding a definition of volatile
, I would refer you to the CUDA programming guide. I have seen summary descriptions referring to this as preventing a register optimization or preventing reordering of loads and stores. I prefer the former and will use that as a working definition.
The basic idea is that volatile
forces any reference (read or write) to that variable to actually go to the memory subsystem. By this I mean it will perform a read or write, and will not attempt to use a value previously loaded into a register. Without this qualifier, the compiler is free to load a value once (for example) from the actual memory location, and then maintain that value (and any updates to it) in a register, for as long as it deems appropriate. Compilers do this with an eye toward performance. (As an aside, note that you used the word "cache" here. I would avoid that usage here. Shared memory has no cache interposed between it and the processor load/store mechanism.)
Without volatile
in this type of warp-synchronous coding, we will run into a problem if we allow the compiler to "optimize" (i.e. maintain) intermediate values into registers. This primarily comes about due to inter-thread communication. To see clearly why, let's look at the last 2 steps in your final reduction:
d[tid] += d[tid + 2];
d[tid] += d[tid + 1];
Let's consider just threads whose tid
values are 0-1. In the second-last step, thread 0 will pick up the d[2]
value and add it to the d[0]
value, while thread 1 will pick up the d[3]
value and add it to the d[1]
value. At this point, if we don't use volatile
, the compiler is not obligated to write the d[1]
value accumulated by thread 1 back out to shared memory. It is allowed to maintain that in a register. So the d[1]
value as seen in shared memory is not "up-to-date".
Now lets go to the last step. In this step, thread 0 reads the d[1]
value from shared memory and adds it to the d[0]
value. But without volatile
, we saw in the previous step that the shared memory contents of d[1]
are no longer accurate. OTOH, if we use volatile
, then the write to shared memory in the previous step will actually take place, and in the final step, thread 0 will pick up the correct value when it reads d[1]
. A CUDA thread is a standalone model. By that, I mean that one thread cannot directly access values contained in registers belonging to another thread. So inter-thread communication at the warp level will normally be accomplished either through shared memory, or via warp-shuffle operations.
has a similar behavior: it forces all register-optimized values like this to be written out to memory, so that they are "visible" to other threads in the block. Therefore, a more sophisticated optimization would be to only switch to a volatile
qualified pointer when the reduction switches from the loop-driven __syncthreads()
based reduction to the final warp-synchronous reduction. You can see an example in the tutorial slides I linked at the beginning of this answer.
As another aside, warp-synchronous programming of this kind is (more officially) deprecated in CUDA 9. Instead, you should use cooperative groups.
The reduction sum will yield incorrect results without (n > 64) and (n > 32) conditions.
These conditionals are primarily used because the code is designed to be "correct" for any block configuration that has a power-of-2 size. If we assume that the block size (number of threads per block) is a power of 2, and greater than 64, it must be 128 or larger for example. Your n
variable starts out as the block size, but then gets multiplied by 2:
n >>= 1;
Therefore, if we want to ensure the correctness of this line of code:
d[tid] += d[tid + 32];
then we should only apply that operation when the thread block size is 64 (at least) which is like saying that n
is greater than 64:
if (n > 64) d[tid] += d[tid + 32];
regarding this question, the claim is made that the posted code behaves differently if the if (n > 64)
is included or not. The reason for this is that the posted code includes a loop which recalculates thread count and block count as the reduction proceeds:
int s = blocks;
while(s > 1) {
threads = 0;
blocks = 0;
getNumBlocksAndThreads (whichKernel, s, MAX_BLOCKS, MAX_THREADS, blocks, threads);
This loop eventually results in a block size that is smaller than 128, meaning the omission of the if conditions leads to breakage. (simply print out the threads
variable, during this loop).
regarding this:
I am having difficulty tracing back the problem because I cannot use print functions like I would in a CPU.
I'm not sure what the problem is there. printf
should work from within kernel code.