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Equality proofs and pattern matching in total functions

I know this is a bit contrived example, but I was wondering how do I make the following function total:

total foo : (x : Int) -> {auto prf : x = 10} -> Int
foo 10 = 10

At the moment type checker complains: is not total as there are missing cases


Adding impossible branch to HTNWs answer I got it to typecheck this way:

total foo : (x : Int) -> {auto prf : x = 10} -> Int
foo 10 {prf = Refl} = 10
foo x {prf = Refl} impossible


  • You have to pattern match on the equality, too

    total foo : (x : Int) -> {auto prf : x = 10} -> Int
    foo 10 {prf=Refl} = 10