I want to print the Changelist description of each changelist for a Particular stream , but the description that i am getting as output is limited to certain set of characters
changelistList.each { IChangelistSummary cl ->
println cl.getDescription()
This is giving a limited CL description instead of the Full description as i see in p4V
printed by script is - "settings IL customization"
But the actual description is "settings IL customization Fix_For_TDP XXXXX_Additional Services section expanded on both Provide and Change"
Can any one help? what is wrong here? I dont get any compile errors, the script executes fine, just that i dont get the full description printed i even tried to use println cl.getDescription().toString() but it doesnt help
You may need to use the getChangelist()
method to get the changelist with the full description: https://www.perforce.com/perforce/r17.2/manuals/p4java-javadoc/com/perforce/p4java/server/delegator/IChangeDelegator.html