I use Terraform which allows me to retrieve the ami ID from the ami "name" (actually I'm a little confused about what that ami "name" is versus the ami id).
data "aws_ami" "windowsimage" {
owners = ["amazon"]
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-ECS_Optimized*"]
This is awesome because it means I don't have to hard code the ami id. But in order to get that Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-ECS_Optimized...
value I had to actually launch an instance and look at the AMI ID property.
There has to be a better way! I couldn't find that value anywhere for the ami in the marketplace page. Is there a aws cli command maybe I can run to find the full ami id string of amis?
Yes, there is an aws cli command to do this.
You can also add an additional line
most_recent = true
should you only wish to pull the most recent ami for that filter match.