I'm trying to change daily cap for data transfer for all my Application Insights on Azure. Is there any way to change it for all of them?
I can't find how to do it by using Azure CLI.
Thank you.
You can change the daily cap with the Azure PowerShell cmdlet Set-AzureRmApplicationInsightsDailyCap.
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionName "Your Sub Name"
function Set-DailyCap {
$AI = Get-AzureRmApplicationInsights | Select ResourceGroupName, Name
$AI | foreach {
write-output ("Attempting to set daily cap for App Insights in resource group {0} instance {1}" -f $_.ResourceGroupName, $_.Name)
Set-AzureRmApplicationInsightsDailyCap -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -Name $_.Name -DailyCapGB 0.2