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PL/SQL concatenate column with variable in UPDATE statement

I want to update existing user names to following format user+(value of loop iterator) . Any advice? The current statement shows the value 'app2nd' after execution

UPDATE users
SET user_name = 'user'|| v_count                
WHERE  id = c_id;


  • Certainly, you should provide some more information. In the meantime, as I have some time to spare, two options for you: the first one doesn't require any loop (you mentioned) but utilizes the ROWNUM:

    SQL> select * from test;
        DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
    ---------- -------------- -------------
            10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
            20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
            30 SALES          CHICAGO
            40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON
    SQL> update test set
      2    dname = 'user' || rownum       --> this
      3    where deptno >= 20;
    3 rows updated.
    SQL> select * From test;
        DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
    ---------- -------------- -------------
            10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
            20 user1          DALLAS
            30 user2          CHICAGO
            40 user3          BOSTON
    SQL> rollback;
    Rollback complete.

    Another option, a LOOP I invented as you didn't explain which kind of a loop you have:

    SQL> begin
      2    for cur_r in (select deptno, dname,
      3                    row_number() over (order by deptno) rn
      4                    from dept)
      5    loop
      6      update test set
      7        dname = 'user' || cur_r.rn
      8        where deptno = cur_r.deptno;
      9    end loop;
     10  end;
     11  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * From test;
        DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
    ---------- -------------- -------------
            10 user1          NEW YORK
            20 user2          DALLAS
            30 user3          CHICAGO
            40 user4          BOSTON

    If it helps, fine. If not, you know what to do - express yourself in a poetic way.