Well I'm trying to set the heightmap of a terrain from an image / texture colors (from pixels), I made this simple example:
using UnityEngine;
public class TerrainExample : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D map, grassTexture;
public float amp = 8;
public Color waterColor = new Color(0.427f, 0.588f, 0.737f); //new Color32(127, 168, 200, 255); //0.427, 0.588, 0.737
private Vector3 mapPlane = new Vector3(4200, 0, 3000);
public void Start()
GameObject TerrainObj = new GameObject("TerrainObj");
TerrainData _TerrainData = new TerrainData();
Debug.Log(new Vector3(mapPlane.x, 600, mapPlane.z));
_TerrainData.size = new Vector3(mapPlane.x / (1.6f * amp), 600, mapPlane.z / (1.6f * amp));
_TerrainData.heightmapResolution = 4096;
_TerrainData.baseMapResolution = 1024;
_TerrainData.SetDetailResolution(1024, 16);
//Set terrain data
int _heightmapWidth = _TerrainData.heightmapWidth,
_heightmapHeight = _TerrainData.heightmapHeight;
float[,] heights = new float[_heightmapWidth, _heightmapHeight];
float stepX = (float)map.width / _heightmapWidth, stepY = (float)map.height / _heightmapHeight;
int w = 0;
for (float i = 0; i < map.width; i += stepX)
for (float k = 0; k < map.height; k += stepY)
int ii = (int)i, kk = (int)k, i2 = (int)(i / stepX), k2 = (int)(k / stepY);
heights[i2, k2] = map.GetPixel(ii, kk) == waterColor ? .25f : .5f;
_TerrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
//Set terrain grass texture
SplatPrototype terrainTexture = new SplatPrototype();
terrainTexture.texture = grassTexture;
SplatPrototype[] splatPrototype = new SplatPrototype[1] { terrainTexture };
_TerrainData.splatPrototypes = splatPrototype;
TerrainCollider _TerrainCollider = TerrainObj.AddComponent<TerrainCollider>();
Terrain _Terrain2 = TerrainObj.AddComponent<Terrain>();
_TerrainCollider.terrainData = _TerrainData;
_Terrain2.terrainData = _TerrainData;
TerrainObj.transform.position = -mapPlane * 10 / 2 + Vector3.up * 100;
My map texture is the following:
The original map has 7000x5000 px, and my heightmap has 4096 units. So, I have to make a little translation, by calculating the step of every iteration (as you can see in line 25)
What I do is simple, I only put a 0.25f of the height (600/4 = 150) when there is water and 0.5f of the height (600 / 2 = 300) when there is something different from water. (Line 31)
But for some reason I only get this weird lines across the terrain:
What I'm missing???
Here is a Unitypackage.
I didn't really bother assigning the texture, I'll let you do that.
using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets
public class Test : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D Texture2D;
private void OnEnable()
var terrain = GetComponent<Terrain>();
var data = terrain.terrainData;
var hw = data.heightmapWidth;
var hh = data.heightmapHeight;
var heights = data.GetHeights(0, 0, hw, hh);
for (var y = 0; y < hh; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < hw; x++)
// normalize coordinates
var x1 = 1.0f / hw * x * Texture2D.width;
var y1 = 1.0f / hh * y * Texture2D.height;
// get color height
var pixel = Texture2D.GetPixel((int) x1, (int) y1);
var f = pixel.grayscale; // defines height
var g = f * f * f; // some smoothing
var s = 0.025f; // some scaling
heights[x, y] = g * s;
data.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
The most interesting thing in this is the smoothing, it dramatically improves the output.
Additionally, you could find which color the pixel is close to from a pre-defined list (e.g. water, grass) and interpolate/smooth.
Also, you might need to adjust the code since I'm not very familiar with TerrainData