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Can I skip an AWS CodePipeline build?

I am currently developing a personal project on master. Every time I push to origin master a build is triggered on CodePipeline. As I am the only developer working on this project and don't want to bother with branches at this stage it would be nice to skip unnecessary builds. I wouldn't mind pushing to another branch, but it's a small annoyance.

CodeShip allows you to skip a build by including --skip-ci in your commit message. Is something like this possible with CodePipeline?

None of my Google searches have yielded results. The CodePipeline documentation makes no mention of such a feature either.


    • This isn't a feature offered by CodePipeline at this time.
    • I'd be curious to know why you view some builds as unnecessary. Do you push a sequence of commits and only want a build against the last commit? This may be more applicable in a team environment, but I would tend to want a build for every commit so I don't find myself in a situation where I push code and pick up and build someone else's broken code for the first time in my build.