I use JAXB to generate POJOs from a WADL xsd. I downloaded the xsd directly from W3C. However, I'd like one of my POJOs to have a helper method that allows me to recurse through it, like so:
public Stream<WadlResource> flattenPath() {
return Stream.concat(
.flatMap(WadlResource::flattenPath) // recursion here
Notice the use of this
. This method is the only way I've seen of recursing with a stream.
So my question is: How do I add this method so that it is generated along with the xsd? Is that good practice? Or should I just generate the code once, add the method, and check it into my repo (which DOESN'T seem like good practice). TIA!
Is that good practice?
This is subjective. I normally do not do this. I prefer to have the schema-derived classes as simple DTO without any business logic.
How do I add this method so that it is generated along with the xsd?
You can inject code with the Code Injector Plugin. Please see the following question:
Inserting code with XJC+xsd+jxb using the options " -Xinject-code -extension "