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Working with an upper-triangular array in SAS (challenge +2 Points)

I'm looking to improve my code efficiency by turning my code into arrays and loops. The data i'm working with starts off like this:

ID    Mapping    Asset    Fixed    Performing    Payment 2017    Payment2018    Payment2019    Payment2020

1     Loan1      1        1        1              90             30             30             30
2     Loan1      1        1        0              80             20             40             20  
3     Loan1      1        0        1              60             40             10             10
4     Loan1      1        0        0              120            60             30             30
5     Loan2     ...       ...      ...            ...            ...            ...             ...

So For each ID (essentially the data sorted by Mapping, Asset, Fixed and then Performing) I'm looking to build a profile for the Payment Scheme.

The Payment Vector for the first ID looks like this:

PaymentVector1    PaymentVector2    PaymentVector3    PaymentVector4
1                 0.33              0.33              0.33

It is represented by the formula


The above is fine to create in an array, example code can be given if you wish.

Next, under the assumption that every payment made is replaced i.e. when 30 is paid in 2018, it must be replaced, and so on.

I'm looking to make a profile that shows the outflows (and for illustration, but not required in code, in brackets inflows) for the movement of the payments as such - For ID=1:

    Payment2017    Payment2018    Payment2019    Payment2020

17         (+90)            -30            -30           -30

18           N/A          (+30)            -10           -10

19          N/A           N/A              (+40)         -13.3

20         N/A             N/A             N/A          (+53.3)

so if you're looking forwards, the rows can be thought of what year it is and the columns representing what years are coming up.

Hence, in year 2019, looking at what is to be paid in 2017 and 2018 is N/A because those payments are in the past / cannot be paid now.

As for in year 2018, looking at what has to be paid in 2019, you have to pay one-third of the money you have now, so -10.

I've been working to turn this dataset row by row into the array but there surely has to be a quicker way using an array:

The Code I've used so far looks like:

Data Want;
Set Have;

Array Vintage(2017:2020) Vintage2017-Vintage2020;
Array PaymentSchedule(2017:2020) PaymentSchedule2017-PaymentSchedule2020;
Array PaymentVector(2017:2020) PaymentVector2017-PaymentVector2020;
Array PaymentVolume(2017:2020) PaymentVolume2017-PaymentVolume2020;

do i=1 to 4;



I'll add code tomorrow... but the code doesn't work regardless.


  • data have;
    ID    Mapping $  Asset    Fixed    Performing    Payment2017    Payment2018    Payment2019    Payment2020; datalines;
    1     Loan1      1        1        1              90             30             30             30
    2     Loan1      1        1        0              80             20             40             20  
    3     Loan1      1        0        1              60             40             10             10
    4     Loan1      1        0        0              120            60             30             30
    data want(keep=id payment: fraction:);
      set have;
      array p payment:;
      array fraction(4); * track constant fraction determined at start of profile;
      array out(4); * track outlay for ith iteration;
      * compute constant (over iterations) fraction for row;
      do i = dim(p) to 1 by -1;
        fraction(i) = p(i) / p(1);
      * reset to missing to allow for sum statement, which is <variable> + <expression>;
      call missing(of out(*));
      out(1) = p(1);
      do iter = 1 to 4;
        p(iter) = out(iter);
        do i = iter+1 to dim(p);
          p(i) = -fraction(i) * p(iter); 
          out(i) + (-p(i));  * <--- compute next iteration outlay with ye olde sum statement ;
        p(iter) = .;
      format fract: best4. payment: 7.2;