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PDFKit - PDFThumbnailView skips a page instead of showing continuous pages - swift

I am able to present the PDFThumnailView of my pdf document. The problem is it is skipping pages. It shows pages 1,3,5 etc...and not displaying the pages in between. My code is below.

@IBOutlet weak var pdfView: PDFView!
@IBOutlet weak var pdfThumbnailView: PDFThumbnailView!

 func setupThumbnailView() {
    pdfThumbnailView.pdfView = pdfView
    pdfThumbnailView.thumbnailSize = CGSize.init(width: thumbnailDimension, height: thumbnailDimension)
    pdfThumbnailView.backgroundColor = sidebarBackgroundColor



  • I might be wrong but I think this is the way that PDFThumbnailView works. It fits as many thumbnails as it can within the View width by not displaying some intermediate thumbnails. It does show them if you touch over the thumbnails. Make the width bigger or the thumbnails smaller and it shows more.