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ASP.NET MVC Usage of User

So this is more of a 'Can I use it like that' question and 'Is it good practice or maybe I should do it different'. I'm specifically interested in Users. Let's say my app has a model called Tasks and each task has properties like this:

public class Task
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public ApplicationUser User { get; set; }

    public int? UserID { get; set; }  //Who's assigned to this Task

Is it okay to state users like this and the in controller get drop down list of them like this:

@using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
  @Html.DropDownList("UserID", new SelectList(db.Users, "Id", "UserName"))        

(Basically when creating a task I'd assign a User to it). Is it good practice? Maybe there are other better ways to use it?


  • First of all you should not use dbcontext instance in your cshtml page, You should do it either in controller,

    You can assign users list to the viewbag in controller like

     var db = new ApplicationDbContext()
     ViewBag.Users = new SelectList(db.Users.ToList(),  "Id", "UserName"); 

    and in cshtml you should bind like ,

    @Html.DropDownList("User", ViewBag.Users)