I'm fairly new with classes, and I've been looking online for some kind of tutorial on this, but unfortunately I've been unsuccessful at finding a solution. Any help you guys could give me would be much appreciated.
I have 2 files.
1) variables.inc.php:
$myvar = "hello world";
2) myclass.php:
class myClass {
function doSomething() {
echo "myvar: $myvar";
The problem:
returns empty. I tried adding this line between function doSomething() {
and echo...:
global $myvar;
But it doesn't seem to work that way either. Any suggestions?
is defined in global scope.
If it really needs to be accessed then
function doSomething() { global $myvar; echo "myvar: $myvar"; }
However the usage of global variables in other scopes is considered bad practice.
See Variable scope chapter in the official PHP manual for a more detailed explanation.