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Json.Net serialize/deserialize Class Name attribute C#

Sorry for the (maybe) trivial question but, I'm trying to consume a web service where the entities and my data model classes are named different.

I want to keep my model .Net Class name and use a Json Attribute name to map, serializer/deserializer, with the corresponding web service entity. For example:

Web Service Entity:


My Model Class:


What I've already do:

public class Employee 

   string propertyName1 { get; set; }

But the json serializer/Deserializer continues to use the .Net class name and I need to set the jsonObject Title.

There is a way to achieve it?


I'm working on a Xamarin Forms app, using Simple.OData.Client to consume an OData Service



  • DataContractAttribute may be your solution.

    public class RichFilter
       public Trolo item { get; set; }
    [DataContract(Name = "item")]
    public class Trolo 
       public string connector { get; set; } 

    If you serialize a RichFilter object, here is the output :
