I use this query in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer:
select id, reputation
from users
where reputation >300000
What should I add to this query in order to have an additional column with the "best" tag of the user?
That is the tag where the user has the highest score and/or the user has the most posts (questions, answers).
For example, in my user page, in top tags, I can see r.
Here's one way using Common Table Expressions (CTE's) and Correlated Subqueries.
See it in SEDE at: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/815284/...
WITH tagAndUserStats AS (
p.owneruserid AS userid,
SUM (p.score) AS tagScore,
COUNT (p.id) AS postCount
FROM posts p
INNER JOIN posttags pt ON pt.postid = COALESCE (p.parentid, p.id)
INNER JOIN tags t ON pt.tagid = t.id
WHERE p.owneruserid >= 1
AND p.posttypeid IN (1, 2)
GROUP BY t.tagname,
u.id as [User Link],
( SELECT TOP 1 tu.tagname
FROM tagAndUserStats tu
WHERE tu.userid = u.id
ORDER BY tu.tagScore DESC
) AS [Top Tag by Score],
( SELECT TOP 1 tu.tagname
FROM tagAndUserStats tu
WHERE tu.userid = u.id
ORDER BY tu.postCount DESC
) AS [Top Tag by Posts]
FROM users u
WHERE u.reputation > 300000
ORDER BY u.reputation DESC
Which returns results like:
User Link Reputation Top Tag by Score Top Tag by Posts Jon Skeet 1010838 c# c# BalusC 784437 java jsf Darin Dimitrov 783553 c# c# VonC 753855 git git